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Navigating Criticism: Coping with Highly Critical Parents

Writer: Trisha HartmannTrisha Hartmann

Dealing with highly critical parents isn’t easy. Their constant criticism can wear you down. Maybe you’ve tried talking to them about it, but nothing has changed, and you’re tired of walking on eggshells in your own home. Here are some strategies to help you cope with highly critical parents healthily.

But first:

Understanding Why Your Parents Are So Critical

They Want the Best for You

Your parents mean well, even if their criticism comes across as hurtful. They have high hopes and expectations for you because they want you to succeed and be happy. While their delivery could use some work, try to see their feedback coming from a place of care and concern.

They’re Projecting Their Insecurities

Sometimes, parents criticize you because they see in you the same perceived faults and weaknesses they dislike in themselves. Their criticism says more about their self-judgment than about you. Avoid taking the bait and getting drawn into their unhealthy thought patterns.

They Feel Powerless in Other Areas of Life

When parents feel a lack of control or purpose in their own lives, they may micromanage and harshly criticize their kids to feel some authority or influence. Recognize this tendency and try setting clear boundaries. 

They’re Stuck in the Past

Parents often have an idealized vision of what they want for their children based on the unfulfilled dreams or values they were raised with in past generations. Their criticism comes from disappointment that you’re not measuring up to some outdated standard. 

Setting Healthy Boundaries With Critical Parents

  • Be assertive and communicate your needs. Politely but firmly tell your parents that their constant criticism is hurtful and needs to stop. Explain that while you value their input, the judgmental comments must end. If they continue to cross the line after you’ve asked them to stop, don’t engage — walk away or end the call.

  • Limit contact if needed. You may need to limit calls or visits with your critical parents to avoid their hurtful behavior. See them only occasionally and keep interactions brief. Make it clear their criticism led to reduced contact. They need to understand their actions have consequences if they want a close relationship with you.

  • Don’t internalize their criticism. Remember that your parents’ criticism says more about them than you. You know your strengths, values, and accomplishments, even if they fail to see them. Surround yourself with supportive people who appreciate you for who you are.

Coping Strategies for Dealing With Criticism From Parents

Set Boundaries

You’re not a child anymore, so don’t let your parents treat you like one. Calmly tell them their criticism is hurtful and that you want a respectful relationship. Be specific about which types of comments are off-limits, and let them know that you’ll walk away from the interaction if they continue. It may take time, but they should learn to adjust their behavior by consistently communicating their boundaries.

Try Not to Take the Bait

Easier said than done, right? Even though their words sting, try not to get defensive or engage in an argument. Stay calm and remember that their criticism says more about them than it does about you. Change the subject, leave the room, or say, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Getting emotional will likely only make the situation worse.

Focus on Your Growth

Do not let your parents’ standards define you. Pursue your interests and dreams at your own pace. Their criticism often comes from seeking control or living vicariously through you. But you get to shape your own life. Keep learning and evolving into the person you aspire to be. In time, their judgments will seem inconsequential to your progress.

Coping with critical parents is difficult, but you don’t have to let it define you. If you still struggle to find a balance, life transitions therapy can help. Book an appointment with us today.


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